
Home Language Moroccan Numbers

Numbers in Moroccan Arabic

For beginners - Let me teach you how to count in Moroccan Arabic which is called Darija, For each number you have a play button to hear it in 'Maghrebi Arabic'.
Darija is the main spoken language in the Maghreb.

Numbers in Arabic

Numbers 1 to 500
Numbers in English Numbers in Moroccan Arabic Listen
One - 1 Wahd
Two - 2 Zouj
Three - 3 Tlata
Four - 4 Rb3a
Five - 5 Khmssa
Six - 6 Stta
Seven - 7 Sb3a
Eight - 8 Tmnia
Nine - 9 Ts3oud
Ten - 10 3achra
Twenty - 20 3chrin
Fifty - 50 Khmssin
One hundred - 100 Miya
One hundred and fifty - 150 Miya w Khmsin
Two hundred - 200 Miyatayn
Two hundred and fifty - 250 Miyatayn w Khmsin
Three hundred - 300 Tltmiya
Four hundred - 400 Rb3miya
Five hundred - 500 khmssmiya

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